As the temperature heats up, you might dream about taking some of your workout sessions outdoors. And, now is the perfect time to get out into the fresh air, awakening your workout from the stale old gym sessions you may have been doing.
But, as the temperature climbs, you need to take precaution. Exercising in hot weather does present a certain situation that must be tended to carefully so you stay safe.
Here’s what to know.
Stay Hydrated
First, make sure you stay well-hydrated. Your sweat rate is going to dramatically increase, meaning you stand a much greater risk of dehydration.
You’ll also be losing potassium and sodium as you sweat, so hydrating with a sugar-free electrolyte replenishment beverage is a wise move.
Exercise During Non-Peak Hours
Another must to consider is to exercise during non-peak hours. If you can, try and avoid the time period between noon and about five in the afternoon. If you can do early morning sessions or exercise later on in the evening as the sun is going down and it’s cooling off, you’ll feel much better.
Exercising when the sun is directly overhead is going to put you most at risk for heat stroke or heat exhaustion.
Wear A Hat
To take that point one step further, it’s also a great idea to wear a hat with a visor. This will help to keep the sun out of your face, allowing you to stay cooler.
Also consider taking breaks throughout the workout session to rest in the shade for a few minutes to cool down.
Stop As Needed
Finally, make sure you pay close attention to yourself. While it’s good to really push yourself hard during your workouts as you go about your medical weight loss program, during the hot weather, know your limit.
Back off if you start to feel light-headed, dizzy, or nauseous. Your safety becomes the bigger concern when exercising in the heat, not doing the most intense workout you’ve ever done.
So get out and enjoy the weather, but make sure that you do safely. This way, you can be sure you’ll be back for more the next day.