Increasing your activity level during your weight loss Programs can help you with your weight loss efforts. Maintaining an active lifestyle as you reach the end of your OPTIFAST weight loss program and transition back to a traditional diet may help you maintain a healthier weight level.
The American Heart Association promotes the idea that every adult should engage in 30 minutes of physical activity daily. They particularly encourage low-impact cardiovascular activities like walking. Being physically active is associated with a collection of health benefits, including:
- Reduced risk of heart disease
- Improved blood circulation
- Improved mental health
Physical activity is classified as any form of movement or exercise. An exercise that causes you to engage your muscles and ultimately burn calories. While 30 minutes is a great number to aim for daily. There is no rule that says you have to exercise for 30 consecutive minutes. For many people, fitting in a 30-minute workout every day is challenging from both a physical and time-management perspective.
Weight Loss Programs
If you can make it to the gym for 30 minutes every day, then keep it up! If for some reason that doesn’t work out, then you’ll want to find other ways to reach your 30-minute activity goal.
Every step adds up in weight loss programs. Engaging in short two-minute activities can help you in weight loss programs. Here are a few activities that you can try at home, at work or on-the-go:
- Deliver messages on foot: When possible, skip sending IMs or short emails at the office and stand up and walk to the next department instead.
- Find a water fountain: Keep a glass of water on your desk and when you need a refill, walk to the water fountain on the next floor.
- Park in the back: Save time, frustration and even some gas money by parking the car in the back of the lot and taking the opportunity to walk a bit more.
- Skip the elevator: If there are too many flights of stairs up to your office, get off the elevator a floor early.
- Take walking breaks: When you need a moment away from the computer screen, take a step outside and stretch your legs.
Consider how these simple two-minute activity ideas can apply to your own workspace or home-life. To build your activity level even more, consider wearing a pedometer and challenge yourself to take more steps every day.